Wonderfully developed difficult topics offered with filmmaker’s sense and staying on top of things, that will open your eyes, hearts and discussion. All that are the best short films from around the world nominated for Oscar and awards from A class film festivals at Venice, Karlove Vary, Tallin, Locarno, Sundance and Clermont-Ferrand, compiled by our art director Maroš Hečko.
ODVRÁTENÁ STRANA SVETA II. vám prinesie päť krátkych filmov. Ali, v snahe stráviť noc so svojou priateľkou, ostane po jej nápade uväznený medzi dvoma pohlaviami, v egyptskom filme “My girlfriend”. Taliansky film “Tria” nám predstaví osudy troch sestier v dystopickom Ríme, z ktorých jedna musí byť čoskoro zabitá. Nikita je hlavný hrdina filmu “Techno, AVERTED SIDE OF THE WORLD II. will bring five short films. Ali, trying to spend the night with his girlfriend, gets trapped between two genders after her suggestion in Egyptian film “My Girlfriend”. Italian film “Tria” will introduce us to destinies of three sisters in a dystopian Rome from which one must be killed soon. Nikita is a main character of film “Techno, Mama” from Lithuania, who loves techno music, but whose dreams stay unfulfilled after the real life reality kicks him. How can we understand violent past? Through creative reconstructions in a special effects studio, Somali-born furniture designer Abdi and his neighbour and filmmaker Douwe will show us the answer in a Dutch film “Buurman Abdi”. Finally, the Canadian movie “The Flying Sailor” will bring us an exhilarating contemplation of the wonder and fragility of existence during watching the consequences of a collision of two ships in a harbour.